WILLIAM C. JARVIS, Ed. D. IMPROVEMENT THROUGH MOTIVATION Motivational and Inspirational Speaker
Jarvis Rehabilitation Method
A method for measuring improvement and increasing motivation after a Traumatic or Acquired Brain Injury
Implemented at home or during traditional therapy!
Achiever of the Year
Hartwyck Center for Head Injuries
New Jersey Speech- Language- Hearing Association
For outstanding communication improvement
Perseverance Award
Brain Injury Association of Indiana
In Recognition of Your Courage, Hard Work, Optimistic Outlook and Dedication to Recovery

Dr. Jarvis has developed the Jarvis Rehabilitation
Method (JRM) in 2008 to create internal motivation
to improve after a brain injury. Dr. Jarvis was in
hospitals for eighteen months and has used these
strategies for many years after his own severe
TBI in 2000. Today, Dr. Jarvis walks with a cane,
but has made remarkable improvement. Dr. Jarvis
teaches improvement strategies that reinforce a
person’s motivation. This method is based on his
experience as a TBI Survivor, a teacher, a
principal, college professor in Education, and co-
leader of a TBI Support Group. His academic
study in Education and personal understanding of
the effects of a brain injury has provided an
opportunity to apply motivational strategies to
foster improvement during home rehabilitation.
When a TBI/ABI Survivor goes home there is a
need for a plan to improve. Unfortunately, the
Survivor is often limited in knowing what to do
when he/she goes home. The Jarvis Rehabilitation
Method gives detailed direction and a plan for
improvement. The TBI/ABI survivor will
experience success and gain motivation as he/she
implements this plan and have the tools for future
improvement! Implementation of this method
through establishing and charting deliberate goals
for focused weekly accomplishment will affirm
success in rehabilitation.
This field study enables a person to work at their
own pace and helps track improvements over a six
month period. Test gives participants a base line
score. Two initial phone contacts and monthly
follow up contacts explain the strategies,
Improvement Charts, and help participants identify
goals. The This field study enables a person to
work at their Pre-Post Assessment is given again
at the conclusion of the study. Please register as
a participant in this field study without charge for
coaching. Please complete the Registration
Form, Information Form, and Non-disclosure Form
today on the web site “billjarvis.org” and have a
plan to improve! Explanation of the method is on
the power point on the web site. The Jarvis
Rehabilitation Method is available in book format.
260 438 7400
Personal humorous situations during rehabilitation after a Traumatic Brain Injury are presented by William C. Jarvis in Physical, Social, Cognitive, and Psychological dimensions of recovery. The reader will smile and have a moment of escape from the stress of his/her injury. Booklet
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